Inspirational RSS
Pendulums have been used for thousands of years with the earliest known use as far back as ancient Mesopotamia. Due to the simplicity of such a tool, it would not be surprising if pendulum use goes back much farther than recorded history. Documented uses include dowsing and construction. Pendulums were used to detect water and minerals. Pendulums were used as plumbobs to ensure straight and true vertical surfaces. They were also used in modern architecture to detect or show evidence of the sway of high-rise buildings. Pendulums are an item hung from a string that is heavier than the string...
Metaphysics of Manifesting our Land
We rented for years. That means we were subject to the landlord’s rules. Simple, right? Well, we couldn’t install carpet where we needed it or replace the old, nasty carpet that needed replacing, we couldn’t buy outdoor play equipment such as swings or a jungle gym due to liability for the landlord, we couldn’t put the children’s art and school projects on the wall, nor family photos, we couldn’t do much to make the space somewhat ours. It was nice to have the landlord be responsible for anything that might break such as the heater, the stove, plumbing, leaky...